"Passageiro" is installed in the most recent construction made by 3BM3 architects, in Geneva, located between two of the city's busiest avenues: R. de Lyon and Av. Aïre. The building disposes of a connecting passageway inside it, allowing pedestrians / visitors to cross from one avenue to the other. This junction point, a 25 meters long corridor, is protected by two gates that are open during the day and closed at night. This segment of the construction, both the gates and the passage, is where my project took place. My intervention, composed of 124 unique bronze casts, of open and closed eyes, modeled by myself, was produced at the local foundry of the city. The bronze casts were installed in both gates as well as all over the main wall of the passageway. This project was implemented through a partnership between HEAD - Genève, La Foncière, 3BM3 Architectes, and me.